Slay these Dragons...or they will slay you.
How does that make you feel?
If that makes you feel uncomfortable, good. You should feel that way.
Every great business leader I've ever worked with faces fear and doubt. The difference for the superstars? They face it head on.
After years of growing businesses, I've seen the same 13 things threatenbusinesses again and again.
I call them Dragons.
Some of these Dragons are external and some are inside you. But they have one thing in common: either leaders destroy them or they destroy the business.
I want to make sure disaster doesn't happen to you.
Are you ready to do battle?
Or will you allow these dragons to set fire to everything you've built?
I want to share something incredibly powerful today. I'm going to teach you these 13 Dragons and show you exactly how to slay them.
The time for fear, self-doubt and lack of confidence is over. It's time to pick up the sword and build the business - and life - of your dreams.
I have much more to teach you, but I want to prove that you and I will make an incredible Dragon-slaying Team. So, I'm asking you to make the smallest investment possible. It will cost just $7 to learn how to slay these 13 Dragons.
Included in this downloadable book:
♦ 13 Dragons ready to burn your company to a crisp
♦ 6 Checklists - Targeted questions to find your dragons
♦ Actionable strategies to slay the dragons in your company

Included: 6 Comprehensive checklists to determine if you
and your company are in danger and where that danger lies.

Clear Explanation of All 13 Roadblocks
See how other CEO's discovered the Dragons hidden in their businesses and what how they slayed them.

6 Comprehensive
Check Lists
Know the right questions to ask to evaluate yourself, your company, your team and much more. Make it work in your company.

Strategies For Slaying All The Dragons
Deberah gives you the same strategies that all of her Dragon Slayer Clients use to find their own growth. You can use them too!

Tips For Creating Your Great Life
You deserve a great successful business and a great successful life. Learn to increase your joy. Reduce risk of Stress Illness.

Do This 1 Thing to Increase Performance 82%
The one thing that you and your team should be doing to increase performance by an average of 82%.
The 13 Roadblocks - Blocking YOUR Exponential Growth
I'm Deberah Bringelson.
I've been growing businesses just like yours around the world for more than 26 years. From startups, like VoteBash, to companies on the brink of disaster, like Zaya, to multi-billion dollar behemouths, like Discovery, the thing I've learned is that every company has common problems that stand in the way of growth. I call these problems the land of the dragons.
The bad news: At least one, maybe all of these dragons are keeping you from getting the leads, sales, revenue...and joy that you deserve. I know this.
The great news: It's not your fault. You've been sold fads by people trying to get their hands in your wallet.
The better news: The Here Be Dragons Guide, tells you who these dragons are, where they live and how to slay them.
Those 3 companies I mentioned above. Here's what happened when they slayed their dragons.
Zaya - 3,546% growth - 12 months
Discovery Networks- 110% growth - 10 months
Votebash - $67 Million - 5 weeks
And those are only 3 of the hundreds of companies achieving 100%++ growth.
What You Get - Immediate Download

Clear Explanation of All 13 Roadblocks
See how other CEO's discovered the Dragons hidden in their businesses and what how they slayed them.

6 Comprehensive
Check Lists
Know the right questions to ask to evaluate yourself, your company, your team and much more. Make it work in your company.

Strategies For Slaying All The Dragons
Deberah gives you the same strategies that all of her Dragon Slayer Clients use to find their own growth. You can use them too!

Tips For Creating Your Great Life
You deserve a great successful business and a great successful life. Learn to increase your joy. Reduce risk of Stress Illness.

Do This 1 Thing to Increase Performance 82%
The one thing that you and your team should be doing to increase performance by an average of 82%.
Randy, Nadia and Deberah will show you where the dangers are...
and what they did to overcome them.

My Dear Intrepid CEO,
On your way to your next level of growth, both you and your company have entered the land of...
There Are Dragons Killing
You and Your Business
Download the 13 Roadblocks NOW!
Learn where the Dragons are!
AND...how to slay them!

1. River Of What The Hell Did I Get Myself Into
2. The ________ Mountains
3. Rocky Cliffs Of
4. Black Tide Of Risk
5. Money Pit
6. Village Of The Charlatans
7. __________ – Yes, I’m Talking About You!
8. Valley Of Endless ________
9. Fog Of Confusion
10. Tar Pits Of Stagnation
11. Fetid Swamp Of __________
12. Forrest Of Zombie Employees
13. Reflecting Pool Of _________
Included: Comprehensive checklists to determine if you
and your company are in danger and where that danger lies.
We Did It! Will You...

Tony Robbins was
right about Deberah!
“Deberah! Tony Robbins was right about you!
You are amazing.
You saved the company. 3,546% growth in 12 months is unheard of. What you did was incredible.
When we first met, I couldn’t believe this crazy, business woman from the U.S. was talking about energy, chakras and using the power of the Universe to make sales!
But, you did it! You took a failing company and made it profitable.
It was all you!”
~ Kabir Mulchandani, CEO, Skai Holdings
#28 – 50 Richest Indians in GCC

110% Growth - 8 Months!
"We grew our revenue 110% in 10 months using Deberah's Power of 3 Strategies.
That's not easy with an established international business that's been around for decades.
Beginning with our first strategy session, through implementation and tracking, Deberah was at our side throughout the process.
We're celebrating our success and we're excited.
More importantly, we've adopted Deberah's strategies to keep our numbers moving up.
~ Enrique Montoya, VP,
Discovery Networks International
Deberah Promises A
Lot - Over Delivers!
“Before Deberah, I didn't believe I deserved wealth. I thought I wasn't good enough. I fully embraced everything she had to teach me from messaging to sales to quantum physics. I experienced “The Shift” …then my company did! Deberah helped me clear away those fears and beliefs. I immediately felt better. Within days, I created $298 million.
Ultimately, we increased our revenue $602 million in 12 months using Deberah's Power of 3 Formula.
She promises a lot and over delivers. With Deberah’s help, we have seized the leadership position and we now own our market. A feeling of excitement and success permeates everything we do.” It’s very exciting! I will forever be grateful!”
~ Nadia Zaal, CEO, Zaya
Your Revenue Should Be At Least
100% Higher Than It Is!

CEO - YOU - Are Under
More Pressure Than Ever!
There Are Hidden Dragons
Killing You and Your Business
Is This You?
For 24 years, I've worked with CEOs and Owners all over the world, helping them break through the fog of confusion, stress, poor sales, and overwork to increase revenues AND reclaim the time, energy and joy their business has stolen from their life; taking themselves and their companies to The NEXT LEVEL of personal and business growth.
Every single one of them have experienced the Land of Dragons.
Read about their experiences in this exclusive report.
How much of their stories are yours?

CEO - Are You "Locked"
in Your Business?
Slay your dragons before you, your family,
and your company crash on the rocks and drown!
These Dragon Slayers
Share Their Solution
They had a different experience...
They found an expert. Someone they could trust.

200% Increase!
“Deberah showed me a clear path to increase my business by 200%. And that was just the beginning. Using tools that I'd never considered, she had me thinking about my market in a whole new way.
~ Jon Bard, CEO, Owner

Drop Everything!
"One of the most valuable resources I have ever had in terms of my personal and financial growth. If you ever have the chance to work with Deberah in any capacity, I urge you to drop everything and begin today!!”
~ Jesse Douglas, CA

$67 Million!
"I’m living proof that the strategies Deberah teaches in Business Growth Intensive work! After one of our classes, I used what I had learned to close a $67 Million deal. BGI is a great, universal product that CEOs all over the world can use to grow their business.”
~ Martijn Atell, CEO VoteBash
Transform Your Business and Your Life!
Too much struggle? Too many hours? A cell phone that feels like handcuffs? Do you ask yourself, “what the hell have I gotten myself into?”
It’s NOT Your Fault
You’ve been:
Sold fads.
Given incomplete information – by people with only 1 or 2 arrows in their quiver.
Surrounded by people plotting to put their hands in your wallet.
One shot wonders rarely work for anyone. Of course, they didn’t work for you. To have real wins, you need a complete map…not just GPS to the next buying opportunity.
Click the button and I'll take you by the hand and show you the way.
Your Guide To Business Growth:
Deberah Bringelson is one of the most profit-producing Business Growth and Empowerment Experts in the world.
She helps C-Levels break through the fog of confusion, poor sales, and overwork to increase revenues AND reclaim the time, energy and joy their business has stolen from their life; taking themselves and their companies to Deinde Gradu - The NEXT LEVEL of personal and business growth. More Money! Less Stress! More Fun!
Deberah knows that YOU deserve an incredible, joyful life AND a massively profitable company! Her mission is to help you get it.
Verified Results:
- 3,546% Growth – 12 Months (Zaya)
- 110% Growth - 8 Months (Discovery)
- Pre-revenue - $67 Mil. - 5 Weeks (VoteBash)
Deberah has worked with Fortune 100 and 500 CEOs, U.S. Presidents, members of Congress, business titans, like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, David Packard, President Ronald Reagan, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.
Deberah's clients are empowered to live their own lives of personal and financial freedom, while at the same time, experiencing explosive results that skyrocket both personal and financial growth. Using Deberah's proven “Power of 3” Formula, they experience exponential success, combined with a clear understanding that life and business are meant to be easy, abundant, joyful and fun! She has the commitment and expertise to deliver real results, beyond the sale!
She is best known for her creative ingenuity and leadership while negotiating the Virgin America deal between Sir Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, for which she received the “Steal of the Year” award, for the deal that never should have happened. She is an internationally recognized Business Development and Empowerment Expert.

One person grew their revenue from
$56,000 to $13 Million
What Magic Will You Create?
$56,000 to $13 Million