The 5 Week Home Study Course Transforming Businesses And Lives Around The World

"Every Business Needs This"

"Complete Turn Around of the Company"


The 5 Week Home Study Course Transforming Businesses And Lives Around The World

100% to more than 3,000% Growth

You don't have time for false promises and ineffective fads.  

I've spent my career identifying and teaching the strategies that can 4X any business. These are the same strategies that my private VIP clients have used.  Now for the first time, I've put them all in 1 place.  

Learn it all in 5 Weeks 

In lesson 1, you will learn the simple strategy that all of the people on this page have used to 2X, 4X, 10X .... their revenue.  In every module, we work though how to implement and perfect it in YOUR business.   

Begin Implementing Today

When you're ready to reclaim the joy and time that your business has stolen from your life, click the button let's do it ... together.  

Deberah Bringelson
International Business Authority

Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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You Expect Real Solutions - This Is How You Get Them

For almost 30 years we've helped CEOs in 16 countries around the globe take control of their businesses and grow their revenue 100% to as much as 3,546%.  Whether they're  struggling with leadership deficits, human resources, communication problems, strategic planning, strategic messaging, sales problems or all of the above, our proprietary formula has worked for them and can work for you too.

We don't do it like anyone else in the world. Clients call us when they need real solutions, not just the latest gimmick.

Stop Competing On Price


What kind of discount can you give me? 


If you're hearing that question, you're in the Marketing Death Trap.  Learn the 3 things that your buyers really care about.  When you know them, use one of Deberah's favorite tactics and raise pricesAre you in the Marketing Death Trap?

Learn Why  Talking About Yourself and Your Product Doesn't Work


No one wants to hear it. I promise.  Before implementing this strategy, home developer Nadia spoke to her prospects about lighting, granite and fixtures.  When she started talking to them about what they cared about (diabetes, heart disease, and teen drug use) her revenue went from $0 in a 12 month period to $602 Million just 12 months later.  Do you know your ideal buyers that well?  I doubt it. 

Overcome The #1 Problem


The biggest limits in business and life are the limits we place on ourselves.  You can have all of the business strategies and tools in place, but if you're living in "I'm not ___ enough land", it won't matter.   That's what happened to Nadia. Once we cleared her beliefs that she didn't deserve...she made $298 Million 8 daysWhat limits are you suffering with? And, what are they costing you?

Learn This To Put Money In Your Pocket 

THIS is one class you do NOT want to miss!

Before Business Growth Intensive, Ryan thought he knew educational messaging.  After BGI, he said "before I was capturing about 1% of my market. After this class, I'm up to about 73%".  What does that mean?  He was making about 1% of his potential revenue and throwing 99% of it down the drain?  How much money are you unnecessarily losing every month?

What If It Was Easy? 


Shamen have known it for centuries.  Scientists are proving their secrets.  Deberah has been studying and using Quantum Physics in her own life and business for 30 years. How do you think she closed that deal with Sir Richard Branson? She's now sharing this knowledge with her clients. What if you could get the Power of the Universe to do your heavy lifting?

Growing a Business Is Much Different Than Making A Product or Service


This is why you're overworked, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Creating a product or service requires knowledge of that product or service.  Growing a business takes and entirely different set of skills, more tools and a bigger tool box. In BGI, Deberah takes you by the hand and maps it out for you.  And, in 6 monthly live sessions, she's right there with you answering your questions.  Are you ready for relief?

Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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Are you making money? But not enough to immerse yourself in the joy of living? Is your business making you sick? Fat? 





Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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More Money! Less Stress! More Fun!

What I learned from Deberah Bringelson has grown my revenue 30% month-over-month and led me to renting my own private island in Belize...and booking my first Ted Talk.

Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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Global Profit-Producing Authority


Deberah Bringelson is one of the most profit-producing Business Growth and Empowerment Experts in the world.

She helps C-Levels break through the fog of confusion, poor sales, and overwork to increase revenues AND reclaim the time, energy and joy their business has stolen from their life; taking themselves and their companies to Deinde Gradu - The NEXT LEVEL of personal and business growth. More Money! Less Stress! More Fun!

Deberah knows that YOU deserve an incredible, joyful life AND a massively profitable company!  Her mission is to help you get it.


 Verified Results:

  • 3,546% Growth – 12 Months (Zaya)
  • 110% Growth - 8 Months (Discovery)
  • Pre-revenue - $67 Mil. - 5 Weeks (VoteBash)

Deberah has worked with Fortune 100 and 500 CEOs, U.S. Presidents, members of Congress, business titans, like Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, David Packard, President Ronald Reagan, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others.

Deberah's clients are empowered to live their own lives of personal and financial freedom, while at the same time, experiencing explosive results that skyrocket both personal and financial growth. Using Deberah's proven “Power of 3” Formula, they experience exponential success, combined with a clear understanding that life and business are meant to be easy, abundant, joyful and fun! She has the commitment and expertise to deliver real results, beyond the sale!​

She is best known for her creative ingenuity and leadership while negotiating the Virgin America deal between Sir Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, for which she received the “Steal of the Year” award, for the deal that never should have happened. She is an internationally recognized Business Development and Empowerment Expert.


  • 3 times “Most Influential Woman In Business” – Silicon Valley
  • Honored by the U.S. Congress for her body of work
  • Honored by the State of California
  • Steal of the Year Award
  • Women’s Hall of Fame
  • Increased one company’s revenue $602 million / 12 months
  • Increased one company’s revenue $56K to $13 Million
Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

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More Leads

Are you like John?  He has an amazing service that transforms his clients' lives.  But sales were inconsistent.  He wasn't really talking to his prospects.  He thought he was, but he wasn't.  John began implementing this strategy and he:

10X'd leads
10X'd sales
10X'd revenue 6 months!

Do you have the leads...the right (ideal buyer) need?  

More Sales


Before implementing this highly effective strategy, home developer Nadia Zaal was in big trouble. For 12 months, her revenue was $0.  She had just taken out a $50 Million loan to keep going.  If that was you, would you ever sleep again?  Deberah taught her this strategy, which turned her business around and grew her revenue to $602 Million - in 12 months. What would more the right buyers...feel like?

More Fun!


Dacia had big dreams for her business and life. She wanted both to be joyful and have a big impact. But she found that she wasn't having as much fun as she wanted.  Combining the quantum and business tools she learned in BGI, her life started on a dazzling new trajectory, including buying her dream home and having time to swim in the pool and have a lot more fun!  Did you know laughter, fun and play reduce stress and the risk of heart disease, stroke and many other illnesses? 

Less Stress!


Before immersing himself in BGI, Jeff said he'd lost interest in his business. It was too stressful because it wasn't fun. He was having a hard time motiviating himself.  And found that he was buried under the stress. He dove into BGI 100% and with the combined forces of Quantum Physics and Business Growth Strategies, he found a new sense of excitement. He's expanding his first company and has started another business too!  Are you ready for less stress?

Yes! I want to thrive in the new economy.

Sign Me Up

We Did It!  Will You...

What if you had the exact same strategies Martijn used to grow VoteBash $67 Million in 5 weeks?

The exact same strategies Discovery Networks used to grow 110% - 10 months?

In this 5 Week Class I will help you bring it all together

For 24 years, I've worked with CEOs and Owners all over the world, helping them break through the fog of confusion, stresspoor sales, and overwork to increase revenues AND reclaim the time, energy and joy their business has stolen from their life; taking themselves and their companies to The NEXT LEVEL of personal and business growth.

What would it mean to have one of the most profit-producing Business Authorities in the world help you grow your business?

STOP Being  "Locked"

in Your Business!

  • I'm frequently stressed and worried. But I often pretend everything is fine or even great.
  • I'm the one making most of the important decisons (and sales) because no one else can or will.
  • My sales are erratic. Some months up. Some down.
  • Slick sales people, great at sales, bad at service are fighting to get their hands in my wallet. Sometimes they're succeeding.
  • I need more "IDEAL" leads and "IDEAL" buyers.
  • I work more than 6 hours a day.
  • My brain and cell phone are always on.
  • I wonder if I've got what it takes to make it to the next level.
  • I frequently wonder what action to take next.
  • I don't know who to trust.
  • As I try to grow my business, I ask myself "What the hell have I gotten myself into?"
  • I wish it was easier. That my business worked for me, instead of being a job that I own.

These CEOs


Found An Expert They Could Trust

Business Growth Intensive

Exclusively for High Level CEOs and Entrepreneurs

What You'll Get

This Course Contains

  • Deberah LIVE! Your exclusive VIP access to Deberah's CEO Dragon Slayer live coaching. BGI is not just another online business class. For 90 minutes every month, Deberah works with you to help you grow your business. Got questions? Deberah has answers. 6 Month access to Deberah's CEO Dragon Slayer Club (live coaching) included with your BGI Home Study purchase.

  • Fast Start Guide
  • Proven strategies and tools
  • 6 Business and Life Growth Intensive Sessions
  • Email support
  • Private Members Forum
  • Class 1 - How to 4X Your Revenue
  • Class 2 Superpower Transformation
  • Class 3 Eliminate The Biggest Block To Success
  • Class 4 Not Just "Any" Buyer! Getting Your "Ideal Buyer"
  • Class 5 World Class Marketing And Sales Machine
  • How You Make It Happen - How To Be Your Ideal Buyer's "Trusted Advisor"
  • All Materials On Demand In Your Private Classroom

This is the exact same class John took!

10X Growth - 6 Months!

YOUR 5 Most Profitable Success Strategies

Work less, play more - and make more! 
Learn about and overcome the 5 primary challenges to your wealth, regardless of how much money you have today.

YOUR Personal Relationship To Money

Custom Money Success Analysis Tool.
Most people want finacial success. If you don't have it, what is blocking it? Uncover your personal blocks to money and start learning the tools necessary to remove those blocks!

Less Stress!

Stop Struggling! Ditch The Stress! 
Are you struggling to reach your first 7 figure year? Or have you made it 7 and now ready to break through to $2 Million? $10 Million? More? Are you Feeling exhausted? Overwhelmed? Are you experiencing fatigue, self-doubt, and frustration? Make more money, stop wrecking your health, destroying your marriage, and put your children at risk of depression and negative behaviours.

More Money!

Easy strategies and tools to to make your money work for you!! 
Are you making money…but find that there isn’t quite enough to really immerse yourself in the joy of living? We'll show you how.

More Fun!

Get Real Help!
Master your life! Live in joy...on your terms! What if you could harness the power of the universe to do the heavy lifting for you? What if you could play more AND at the same time make more? What if business became play? Your life is meant to be “easy, joyful, abundant and fun. Ready to learn how? !

The "Secret Sauce" 

Secrets of Manifestation from Ancient Mystery Schools and Shamanic Traditions Around The World. 
This Intensive weaves manifestation teachings with practical and innovative strategies, using a powerful success formula, known for producing exponential results. Using this formula, people around the world, have begun to live lives of ease, joy, abundance and fun, taking their lives from mundane to Mastery and ordinary to Extraordinary!

$500 Value

FAST ACTION Bonus - First 9 Enrolled ONLY!

30 Minute Private 1-on-1 Consultation With Deberah Bringelson, one of the most profit-producing Financial Growth and Empowerment Experts In The World. 

Deberah will turn her full attention on you. Do you need help growing your business? Extra help clearing your personal blocks to money?

This is not a sales pitch. It's your time. Spend it any way you wish!

Bonus "6 Keys to Success: How To Create Massive Success In The New Economy; Any Career, Job, Business And In Life!

2017 edition with Bonus 7th Key! 

Do You Want To Know How To Create Real Success?
From Someone Who Has Done It Repeatedly?

What would it mean to your life if you:

  • Instantly Turned Failures to Successes
  • Could Create Abundance in All Areas of Your Life
  • Made All Of The Ancient Laws of Manifestation Work For You!
  • Understood Why You Deserve Wealth And Why You Don't Have It
  • Eliminated The Number 1 Block To Success!
  • Unlocked YOUR Success And Built Wealth to Create Your Amazing Life!
  • Knew The Elusive 7th Key AND How To Use It!


You cannot buy this book!

Bonus "5 Vital Secrets You Must Know To Master The Science of Creating"

This no nonsense book lays it out step-by-step for you in easy to read and understandable language.

  • Game Changer!

    Thank you for the ‘5 Vital Secrets’. As a ritual my wife and I read it out loud every morning. Then we reflect on what the 5 secrets mean to each of us that day. Game changer! Thank you!

    Martijn Atell, CEO, VoteBash

  • It Works!

    “The 5 Vital Secrets WORKS! I manifested this week: knocked out aon oncomig cold in less than 48 hrs and filled the last 2 retreats we were DESPERATELY trying to fill!”

    Amber Betts, CEO, Esteem Journeys

Get Instant Access Now!

One person grew their revenue from 
$56,000 to $13 Million

What Magic Will You Create?

Get Instant Access Now!
  • Make 1 Change - 4X Your Revenue!

  • Get Out of the Marketing Death Trap!

  • Don't Compete on Price!

  • Lead Generation on Steroids

  • Turbo Charged Sales

  • Eliminate Your Biggest Block To Money!

  • Use Quantum Physics to Grow Your Business and Your Life!

  • First Time Ever! - Includes live help from one of the Most Profit-Producing Business Growth Experts in the world. 6 LIVE monthly coaching sessions included FREE. $6,000+++ value!