Deberah Bringelson in Print

Why So Many Companies Fail The Hiring Game

Mary And Andrew — Two Sides Of A Fake Coin 

Five Vital Secrets You Must Know To Master The Science Of Creating

Don’t have the revenue and success you want? Here’s why.

How CEOs Can Avoid Drowning In Their Own Toxic Culture

Technically, Paula wasn’t a leader in the company. Fanning the flames of stress, she used her front-office position to make it seem like she had real insight into the company’s and the boss’s inner workings. 

The Real Cost Of Bad Hires Isn't What You Think

What You’re Missing (The Real Cost)

The High Cost Of Bad Leaders

Globally, C-Levels Identify This As The #2 Threat To Business

Five Vital Secrets You Must Know To Master The Science Of Creating

“A Definitive Understanding of How Core Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions Create Your Reality.”


I've been studying and using Quantum Physics for more than 30 years. 


It's always working ... for you or against you. You don't need to understand the science. But you do need to understand how to make it work FOR you. I do. 


Will you be the next to achieve explosive results?

Individuals and companies on the precipice of success or on the brink of disaster have won big with Deberah's expertise. One company increased its revenue $298 million in 8 short months. Another came back from extinction, skyrocketing their $56,000 budget to $13 million.

Deberah has lent her talents to the California Senate and the U.S. Congress, from whom she received Congressional honors for her extensive body of work and expertise.

Deberah’s "Power of 3" training is a unique mix of proven business strategies and smart success tools fueled by ancient laws of manifestation, which she weaves together to help listeners create their own careers, businesses and lives of massive success. Deberah engages and challenges participants, reshaping their core beliefs, leading those who embrace the principles on an incredible journey of self-discovery culminating in their own prosperous future.