I’ll be answering all of your manifesting questions in an upcoming FB live.  What do you want to know? Go here to send me your questions https://DeberahBringelson.com/live 


What Is The Power of 3?

Before I dive into today’s lesson, you’ll notice that the image that goes with this post has a label that says Power of 3 – Section 3 – Quantum Physics and Secrets of Manifestation.


Real Results

For the past 30 years, I have been developing, using, and refining my Power of 3 Formula.  It is responsible for:

  • Nadia’s 3,546% revenue growth in 12 months
  • Discovery Channel’s 110% growth in 10 months
  • Turning Richard Branson from a hard no way to a buyer
  • Ryan’s 95% month over month growth
  • John 10Xing his leads, sales and revenue in 6 months


The Power of 3 has 3 primary components

  1. Own Your Market – Proven Business Strategies
  2. What they don’t teach you at Harvard Biz – Strategic Success Tools
  3. Quantum Physics – Secrets of Manifestation

See more about the Power of 3 Success Strategies here.

Look for these labels to understand the topic that we’re talking about each day.  It is by weaving these components and strategies together that my students and clients are achieving exponential results.


With that understanding, here is a key reason you aren’t you manifesting what you want in your business and life.

Step 1 – Stop for a moment and think about the past 24 hours. Think about your behavior, your interactions with others, whether they were in person or through your computer.

Step 2 – Who were you “being”?  Were you in command (not bossy and arrogant, but in command of your emotions, your being, the thoughts, words, and energy you put out into the interaction)?

Were you needy?

Were you being your true authentic self?  Or a twisted pretzel, shaping yourself into what would make the other person happy?

Were you looking for that next shiny object?  If you just could have or know something, would you breakthrough to what you want or believe you need?

Step 3 – Spend at least 10 minutes thinking about the past 24 hours.

Step 4 – For the next 24 hours, notice how you interact with people.  What sales pitches are you attracted to?  Are they something you really need?  Or are they just a shiny distraction that someone wants to sell you that won’t really add value to your business or life? AND – are you attracted to them because you believe and are responding to the belief that you are limited?  Or lacking (money, love, attention, etc.)?

As you think about what you learn in Steps 3 and 4, ask yourself.  Were you being a limited human?  Or were you being the Master that you are?

All knowledge, all experience, is available to you right now. Right this moment.

When you speak, think, and behave as though you are limited, the Universe sends you more opportunities to experience limits. To experience lack.

When you speak, think, and behave like a Master, the Universe sends you Masterful Energy.

Step 5 – For the next 24 hours, pretend that you are an actor in your own life. Be the best Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks you can possibly be.

Your roleYou are the Master of your life.  In your head, think the thoughts that the Master would think.  Say the words, with conviction that the Master would say.  Walk, sit, laugh, play, know, as the Master you would walk, laugh, sit, play and know.

You may not achieve perfection every moment. But when you fall off track into limits or lack, notice and jump right back on the Master Train.

Notice how you feel. Notice how people respond and any shifts you have in your experience. Even small shifts can ultimately turn into huge wins. 

For the next 24 hours, let’s do a dress rehearsal.  Dress as the Master you are and do steps 1 – 5 again.  And the next day…and the next.

Is this the ONLY piece of the manifestation puzzle?  No. But, it’s a great start.  Watch for more in coming posts.


Do you have questions?  Tell me what they are and I’ll answer them in my upcoming Facebook live. 

Deberah Bringelson
Deberah Bringelson

Quantum Business Beyond The Spreadsheet -- A frequent speaker on the Oracle Headquarters stage, Deberah Bringelson is one of the most profit producing Business Growth and Empowerment Experts in the world. She is best known for her creative ingenuity while negotiating the Virgin America deal between Sir Richard Branson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, for which she received the “Steal of the Year” award, for the deal that never should have happened. Speaking to audiences across the globe, Deberah also privately advises multimillionaire entrepreneurs, C-level executives, corporate titans, and global thought leaders on advanced business, marketing, personal growth and peak performance strategies.